Top 200 Belgium: the ranking of the Belgian public figures on social media !
Who are the most influencial people today on social networks in Belgium?
The place and role of social media in Belgium is well established. Look around you, the world is connected and engaged. Today, we all follow Belgian icons online. Famous sportsmen and women, artists and singers, politics, movie stars and even content creators, they have a considerable influence on social networking platforms and have a large number of loyal fans.
For the first time in Belgium, in collaboration with Favikon, we present the groundbreaking Top 200 ranking of the most influential Belgian public figures on social media. The ranking is divided into different categories: a general ranking of the 200 people with the greatest cumulative impact on all the different networks, and specific rankings by platform: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Linkedin.
This ranking is also proof that being present on the networks to reach a wider audience is essential. In the top 200, we find professionals from all walks of life. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, is in 110th place, Guy Verhofstadt, Member of the European Parliament, is in 125th place, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister, is in 135th place. But also Joeri Schasfoort, economist, is in 194th place, Ilham Kadr, CEO of Solvay, is in 175th place, and Anuna De Wever, environmental activist, is in 157th place. The top 100 also includes a wide range of profiles: author and psychotherapist Esther Perel in 39th place, pro cyclist Remco Evenepoelin 54th place, barber Jurgen Meerschaert in 61st place, and preacher and lecturer Nader Abou Anas in 75th place.
Belgian content creators and influencers have a great spot in this ranking! 8 of our Sway Crew talents are present in this top 200:

- Sami2Bx, 24th
- Shauna Dewit, 44th
- David Dieu, 85th
- Steve Brada, 90th
- Zoé Galliaerdt, 101st
- Vidal, 147th
- Alziz, 171st
The list of the top 200 most influential people includes well-known Belgian content creators. Flemish influencer Stien Edlund in 14th place, youtuber and entrepreneur Gaëlle Garcia Diaz in 23rd place, beauty blogger and Tipik host Lufy in 31st place, Jill the multi-hatted creator known as SilentJill in 53rd place andAurélie VanDaelen in 119th place. The men are not to be outdone in the rankings, with tiktokeur and youtuber Ken Demarteau in 33rd place, influencer Nathan Vanderunst aka Acid in 37th place, and one of Belgium's favorite youtubers Average Rob in 44th place.
Are you ready to discover the best of the best, the top 5 of each category.
You can access the whole list on the Favikon marketing tool .
Top 200 overall
Top 5 most influential Belgians on social networks.

Their score is the sum of their influence on each social network: Instagram, Tiktok, Linkedin, Youtube and Twitter.

- 1st
- Kevin De Bruyne, Captain of theRed Devils.
- 2nd
- Thibaut Courtois, Goalkeeper of the Red Devils
- 3rd
- Celine Dept, tiktoker and soccer content creator
- 4th Adil ScreaM Benrlitom, twitch streamer.
- 5th Angèle, singer and artist.
Top 200 Instagram

Here are the Top 5 most impactful Belgian personalities on Instagram.

- 1st Kevin De Bruyne, Red Devils captain.
- 2nd Thibaut Courtois, Red Devils goalkeeper
- 3rd Nicolas Lacroix, humorist.
- 4th Jean Claude Van Damme, actor and director.
- 5th Shauna Dewit, content creator and TV presenter.
Top 200 TikTok:

Here are the Top 5 most influential Belgian personalities on Tiktok.

- 1st Kevin de Bruyne, captain of the Red Devils.
- 2nd Medhi Amri, soccer content creator
- 3rd Sami2bx, creator of humorous video content
- 4th Celine Dep, soccer content creator
- 5th Oussama, soccer content creator
Top 200 Linkedin:

Here are the Top 5 most influential Belgian personalities on Linkedin.

- 1st Ilham Kadri, CEO Solvay
- 2nd Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister
- 3rd Bram Van Der Hallen, digital marketing specialist
- 4th Charles Michel, President of the European Council
- 5th Fabien Pinckaers, CEO and Odoo founder
Top 200 Twitter:

Here are the Top 5 most influential Belgian personalities on Twitter.

- 1st Kevin De Bruyne, captain of the Red Devils
- 2nd Leandro Trossard, Belgian soccer player
- 3rd Yasin Dincer, leage of legends pro player
- 4th Thibault Courtois, Red Devils goalkeeper
- 5th Shay, rapper
Top 200 Youtube:

Here are the 5 most influencial Belgian personalities on Youtube.

- 1st Oussama, content creator and vlogger.
- 2nd GOJO神, anime video creator
- 3rd Geo History, educational youtube channel.
- 4th Charlotte De Witte, DJ, producer and label manager.
- 5th Fresh, rapper and musician