TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch… so many different platforms with so many specificities and opportunities to seize.

Influencer marketing, whose success has already been proven, uses influencers and their social medias to help companies and brands get more visibility and spread authentic messages. However, if you want a successful campaign, choosing the right influencer on the right platform might help you. You also need to adapt your content to the right social media and respect its codes in order to reach your goal. We decided to reveal the secrets of all these platforms so you can chose what's best for your strategy.

  • TikTok

TikTok's strongest point is clearly its short and engaging videos, which can quickly go viral. They have recently increased their video time up to 3min, which increases your creative possibilities. To get started with TikTok, you'll need a catchy and funny video. The beginning of your TikTok is crucial, it's important to grab attention in the first few seconds or risk your video being swiped straight away.

To learn all the secrets of TikTok, check out our other article that will make you a pro.


It was nice to see our influencer community during this @warnerbrosbelgium movie premiere in Brussels! #influencer #TheSuicideSquad #premiere #movie

♬ Rain (from The Suicide Squad) - grandson & Jessie Reyez
  • Youtube

YouTube is a great platform for longer videos, which allow you to showcase the product in a more creative way. But beware, YouTube users tend to be quickly annoyed by the number of product placements on the platform. It will therefore be necessary to integrate it in an original way in order to engage your audience.

This platform offers a great visibility thanks to an easy content that remains accessible for a long time, and the videos are particularly well referenced by Google. It also encourages interaction and conversion to other social networks.

  • Instagram

The Reels are very similar to TikTok but they only last a few seconds: they have to be very dynamic and right to-the-point. Focus on the esthetic, the content can become viral easily. They are great for visibility campaigns, not only because the Instagram algorithm highlights them, but also because a tab is dedicated to them in the explorer section. It’s also cheaper than a TikTok video.

If the Reels are too short for you, IGTVs are the solution. They allow you to create longer videos and therefore have more qualitative and rich content. You can also add direct links to an external site which will increase your SEO.

Stories are very popular because they create a more natural and authentic atmosphere. You do not need much editing (if any). What is interesting to showcase is often the backstage, what the audience is not used to see so that they feel privileged.

They generate conversion rate thanks to the swipe up, as well as an engagement rate with the stickers, polls... If we need to find something negative from a marketing point of view is that they only last 24h, but you can always highlight them to provide long-term visibility.

  • Twitch

Twitch is specialized in live videos, it has a chat room that generates a high level of engagement and direct links with communities. Unlike other platforms, Twitch users are more open to the "classic" advertising format, product placement and any form of sponsorship. However, the content that works best is entertaining, educational or offers discounts.

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